The Change



It is but an auspicious moment for all. I carry a message for you, a message which is not meant for everyone, yet it carries the essence of all.


There has been a lot of activity inside this dimension where most of human consciousnesses reside. The false issues have grown and got to most of the Leficatrums, spreading through human thoughts. Leficatrums are gatherings of consciousnesses to which human minds connect, swap energy, leave energy, and so on. And now most of them are denatured, corrupted by ideas taken from false timelines which do not reflect the truthful way upon which mankind supposed to be on. 

Identifying with human mind/form brings now a perception of a world in which you are vulnerable, limited, bounded to just a few options of expression, to just a few experiences which do not resonate with your level of vibration. Detaching from the human mind/body it is now recommended. This allows breaking from the planes that are perceived today. It allows for yourself to detach from 3rd Dimension vibrations. Believing that you are no more than just a vulnerable mind/body which is now subjugated to some "elite" forms of life, has brought within the limitation that binds you to just one outcome. It is not what you were meant to experience. Remember. This is not your destined life experience. 

Each time you give your energy to the false situation which is being served almost everywhere in this realm today, you are allowing even more of it to control the outcome - that which what is called future.  If you cannot disconnect from today's false perception then listen and feel the solution given. Do not believe that you are the mind/body. Instead inspire yourself, breathe in Divine Light, Divine energies, Divine consciousness. As the mind/body perception is really narrow and it has been hijacked by altered minds, imagine yourself being outside of this realm. Identify no more with being a human mind/body but a Celestial being, Angel, Deity, or even a benevolent alien or a shining star. When you do this you allow immediately for the higher consciousnesses and dimensions to be opened to you. A wave of "something" different but good, will be felt. Options and solutions in life will grow in number and fear will be a forgotten feeling in the past. That which does not receive energy, fades away. This is about today's situation. If it won't receive your part of the energy, it will diminish.

Separation from that which has a Spiritual aspect has brought humanity into this place right now. It is viewed as being conducted by the instinct of survival and some thought form which reflect lack of inspiration, love or true wisdom. Humanity has its thought forms altered, unused, filled by hatred and fear of loneliness and death. Again, these belong to a dimension with very low vibrations which feeds with your emotions of fear, hate, anger or worry. Away with them and things will miraculously change for the better of everyone, nature included.

There has been sent a large vibratory calling for all beings residing in this plane. The choice is now for you to take. Continue to believe the official story of today or change the story within and allow the divine truth to shine again.

As an Observer or a Visionary, detachment from human mind/body can give protection to what is not useful to you anymore. Ascension has come for this realm.

Remember to not worry and filter this information as all it should be. Then it is your choice for how the journey will continue. Your choice as it always has been! No one can take it, but it can be manipulated. Awareness of what you do is the key for your freedom. 


Aertoh Suur Ibrium


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