The 4th and Last Key


It is obvious that in this world you would have ”destructive” thoughts. They are the ones who come first in your mind. Only after you understand that you are the one who chooses not to pursue them, only after that, constructive, aethereal thoughts may arrive. This happens because you chose to act differently, to seek something of a higher value than what was presented so far to you.

It is the nature of this world, its density, its structure, to allow the formation of such thoughts to arrive first in the mind. They do not arrive per se, but they are more abundant and they seek hosts for them to be experienced, for them to be unfolded, for them to be materialized. Due to the nature of the world, these thoughts resonate with all the creations from it. Visible are the actions of instincts and intellect which are predominant here in this world. Few are the ones that do not resonate with it. Compassion, intuition, vision, awareness. Hard to achieve them, because of the incompatibility between them and the current realm. Easier to destroy than to create is the major perception. Yet perception is a manipulative state that confuses the being. The hard-achievable assets are mere points on an itinerary created to be available for all, yet not shown on a regular note. Valuable they are for other realms but not here. Not visible and perceptible they are as one might interpret. Still, they wait for the ones whom desire to flow away from this realm, by undergoing transformations of densities, vibrations, or enlightenments. The mentioned values are some of the mentors that help those who seek more than enlightenment. At this point, enlightenment recalls such values to be imprinted within the seekers. These values would then help transform the materialized into more refined, ethereal aspects of energy. Seekers would then evolve into other states of being and existence, different from the world they are flowing from. And in such, releasing the burdens of worry and fear, embracing new knowledge and states of being, these form the key of flowing in a much suitable and resonant way, through the infinite change of life. This key is acting as a compass that shows the way to higher realms of purity, a way blessed with such fine elements that enriches the being with unimaginable bliss.

For some, in similar way, it is not easy for aethereal ones to explore denser realms. That is because in the aethereal realms, constructive thoughts come first as they resonate with those who are in such states of existence. The possibility for one, to choose otherwise, means that it will choose to dive into deeper, denser cores of existence, willingly forgetting, willingly undressing of the golden vestments and crystalline lights.

Knowing that some form of help will always be around if someone wishes to explore different states of existence, would give such colorful and vivid experiences to infinite vectors of transitions.

Within you, the key awaits to be found. Your compass wants to help you find your own path, your own journey.

Traveler and seeker of bliss, I salute and whisper to you this long waited echo of light.






  1. T, where are the other 3?:)

    1. They are flying somewhere in the texts that I've written in last years. In near future I might put them all together in a book together with hints and tips for others to look out to.


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