

If there are a “they”, "Elite"... then we can say that “they” feed on the energy that you use but only the one which you transform into anger, hate or regret. If you transform the energy into love, compassion and appreciation, “they” cannot use it. Eventually, "they" will vanish.

The all that you feel, see, hear, it is called reality or “world” and it is comprised of layers, visual layers, sense layers, dimensional layers. All are overlapping. Most of them are not true to you. The way of identifying them is the key of true freedom. Most of them .. remember.. are not true. These false layers are some manifestations that try to manipulate your thinking, your behavior, your perception. If your state of being is changed, whilst reading something, whilst seeing something, then you have been hooked by one of these layers, you are now driven by one false timeline. You walk through one false timeline yet you do not realize this. Hence.. the text in front of you.

We said once in a healing session that we are here as pure Light, pure Love. Most of beings express their Light here. And so, we should also live ours. We are beings of pure Light and Love yet we believe that we’re without vision, without power. Expressing our Light here is the way. Expressing ourselves is the true way. Not changing, not transforming into something you’ve read from a bookstore. You are here and in need to find yourself. You are unique. Enough copying others or trying to be like others. That manifestation that you are thinking of exists already. You need to find yourself now and express that what you are!

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When you peek at current news, in less than 10 minutes after the reading or hearing or viewing, anger shows up within. Seeing the way the country is ruled or what happens to other countries, weather forecast, the lack of justice, poor vs rich, etc… It disturbs the peaceful interior within. Even more you are placed in a position that you feel overwhelmed, without power to do a change. Then perhaps you start to see the “bad” in your life. So many things appear.. So many people are lying to you, behave badly to you, work is not what you expect, your home is a disaster, garbage on the streets, people misbehaving on the streets.. chaos everywhere, isn’t it?

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When a feeling or a thought that changes your state of being appears, you need to switch to a beautiful place from your memory or create one with your imagination.

When false timelines are given to you and as you can understand already, those can be lived, then the same tools can be used to get out of them. It is but knowledge that lacks to common man of the tools and ways of using them so that his life can flourish.

There may be a world with one main story but the world has also infinite side stories which are quite different than what is happening in other’s realities. These side stories are not dependent on the main story. A war there, a famine somewhere else, draught, heat, floods. This is how the main story shows itself. Yet some are living the side stories (their stories) such as being on a yacht, playing golf or tennis with their best friends, some are hiking on the mountains and some believe they rule the world.


People give too much of their power and energy to things and situations that they know nothing about. “Elites” are not what they think they are. In fact, the “Elites” do not have the power the media says they have. Instead, they feed on the people’s energies, just as the two teams from a football match feed from their supporters. With no supporters, soon there will be no teams.


So many false news, exaggerated apocalyptic events, lies being told, lies being grown each day. Purpose of them seems to be complex. Yet, you create beautiful things when you are in a good mood. When acknowledging false ideas from different sources you would lose yourself within a void, a space where you forget about yourself, a void where you grow anger and hate, where you create your world of anger and hate, a place where you will find yourself very quick if you won’t stop feeding it with your essence.


We hurt ourselves today by reading and hearing news from around the globe. It took some time to disconnect from the avalanche of thoughts and scenarios that were coming towards us. These manipulate the vision, the feelings. Depending on how you are they will make you angry towards the "new" world that you’ve discovered. So now you wander through the void, having visions of how to solve this new world’s issues, struggle, apocalyptic scenarios, violent scenarios, screaming inside can almost be heard… What would the purpose of all this be? Need to remember that if you are a lion, then you are a lion! You can’t change that. You can't change yourself into a sheep. If you see injustice, you would want to make a small revolution. You can’t change that what you already are. You can refine it up to a point. But for sure within you, the truth stands strong. Ways of clearing that exists.


You are here to enjoy the Creation. If Creation seems to be out of place, then you are living a false timeline. Today’s world relies on “his story”, someone’s story mainly. Look upon the last events and you can see that the real reasons for what happened are hidden, distorted. Yet you are asked to believe in them without questioning. Now this is not what you were meant to live. Distracted you were and you keep walking from one false timeline to another. Yours, the one which you should be on, is well hidden from your eyes. Imagine lots of veils, curtains, wondering in front of you, not letting you see the truth that you are and the true way you should walk on. It is said that you resonate with your destiny, yet in front of your eyes you can only see despair and fear and anger and hate and separation and sadness and frustration. How can Creation make these for you to experience you might ask? It didn’t. All is false and true at the same time. You lack the tool to identify which is which for you. This is hidden to people. The energy that people create by living false lives is more valuable within the current circumstances. You live someone else’s destiny.


Life happens around yourself within a few meters. Nothing else matters outside of it. There are shadow people, background people and a bunch of mannequins, trying to be something in your life. If you do not give them energy, they won’t meet the circumstances for them to exist and so they will vanish from your perception. Creation. What a wonderful tool for your hidden eyes.


Masteries are required. Mastery in how to wait for things to manifest. Mastery in how to observe that which you created. Mastery in how to create. Mastery in how to remain balanced within your fields of gold. In Essence nothing matters except your state of being. If you find yourself bathing in golden lights, then what you create has the imprint of these golden fields. And then once you made the seeds for the next chapters, a moment of appreciation would be as rain in the spring. Nevertheless, for what manifests later, this requires patience and love. Much love indeed.



Traveler through the planes is what you may imagine. There is no home for the traveler, just places where he learns. He can learn about the place, its habitants, its culture, but he can also learn about himself, about Creation, about stuff that he did not know, about stuff that he forgot. Sometimes, some feelings for a place may slow down the perception upon a visiting place. Time does not exist where all is changing, transforming. Don’t be afraid. Wherever you are, Light exists. Be carried by your vision and together with your heart find that what you seek.


Existence is, eternity is, All of them in All.




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