Once Upon a Dimension


Once Upon a Dimension,




There is a being whom is sad. This being knows a lot of how the Universe works yet in this moment it feels sad. A thought appears, seeking for an answer to the very basic question of “why?”.


The question itself is tricky. The being knows this. The being knows that the thoughts cannot answer to this question as this question is for the emotional part which cannot speak with words. The being knows that there is a waste of energy to seek the true reason of his sadness. The being knows if it tries to search for this, it will be lost within the labyrinth of a murky, cold and dark dimension.


The sadness that it is felt does not resonate with the being. It does however look like a smoky air surrounding the being. Rays of light cannot penetrate it. And so, the being feels detached from the light which is used with, and finds itself within a challenge. Yes, that’s how it sees this “darkened sadness”. A challenge for itself. And today the challenge is different than other challenges it has seen. There is no light around. There are no guides around. No other beings around. The being feels empty, lonely, sad, lost within a place that feels not even close to what it was used with.


A glimpse into what could cause this situation appears but it is instantly ignored. A few days earlier the being saw how its resources were almost to nothing and in such, it allowed for this sadness to exist. “Oh, I work so hard and the resources which I received are almost gone.”  Going now into the present, the being knew this already. Hence the reason to not look for the cause of the current situation. It will bring that energy, that state, that dimension, that vibration from that moment into the current one. Hence the being ignored it. The being knows that it needs to get out of this. Yet it does not remember any way of how to do this. It feels blocked. The mind does not work. Imagination does not work. Connection to Light is absent. No love, no happiness, no people around, no guides, no masters. Just the silence of the room, and the slight breeze of the air which carries questions... “What have I done?”, ”How can I get out of this?”, “Is this a test?”.


The being knows that as long it is in this state, it cannot understand anything, it cannot give answer to any question that is around and most of all, there is no help. This is now the challenge, the quest, the task, that is to be experienced alone. The being is now quiet, acknowledging that there are situations where it can ask for help, situations where challenges are solved with the help of others and then there are situations like the one is in, that require the presence of the being only.


It looks around, feeling the current dimension. Written ribbons of what is, appear as floating in the air, rotating around. Images as floating cards that are answers or questions fly around also. The one that gains attention is a card asking of “Why don’t I feel happy, yet I seem to have everything?”. The being picks this one and all the others disappear. The picked card unfolds like a hologram. A story in front of the being appears. Some voices, images are shown, messages from various beings are heard.


A monkey looking humanoid:

“There can be infinite reasons why this is happening. It is enough for you to pick one and that is your answer. You know it does not matter, the reason, the cause of your current state of being. Seeking for it is not going to solve the situation, is not going to change it. It surely might amplify it or it will get you lost within the layers of that situation.”


A glowing gold orb:

“Happiness can’t be made. Happiness appears when you are free of thoughts, free of worry, free of prejudices. When you help other beings, a form of happiness forms, but that is short, temporary. If you seek that kind of happiness, it will make life appear as hard work. Happiness is found in everything. When you are allowing life to come to you, the feeling of being opened is actually the happiness you seek. The sadness that you find yourself into, is the result of you blocking the flow of life. The flow of the Universal Energy which now awaits at the closed gates of your heart. You see here and there messages that shows you that you’ve closed the gates and that the flow is no more within yourself.”


A millennial Oak tree:

“Once there was an emperor. Once there was a farmer. Once there was a fox. Once there was a mountain. Once there was a river. Once it was just the air. Once they were all one. As you do not identify with them so you do not with what you see here, now, in front of your eyes. They belong to a world, a world from infinite worlds. Each world has its own vibrations, can exist within certain dimensions, can offer only some experiences, can offer certain teachings, can bring certain feelings. People, thoughts, images, situations. Some belong to some if you understand this. Once you allow yourself to travel between worlds, important is to understand that most of the teachings, lessons, habits, that “work” in some worlds cannot be present (“work”) in the new ones. In such, attachments hold you to certain worlds, dimensions that work with their energy. You seek something new, yet you hold onto something that can’t exist in the new. The gates of the new world will open when you surround yourself with energies that resonate with it. The pain and the waiting are due to the fact that you are carrying still... unnecessary habits, thoughts, wishes. Happiness of this world cannot exist in the next, as the next place has something similar, yet much richer. Worlds are not different places, but different vibrations, different dimensions. Expansion of yourself is to infinity. Why hold onto a drop of water when you can live infinite oceans?”


Martial arts student:

“Worry in the mind does not allow for freedom. Remember how it is when you free yourself of worry and thoughts of worry you feel lighter than before? Great. Be that.”


Buddhist teacher:

“You feel that you have made your house a temple and that the ones in the temple do not act as they should. Perhaps one can cleanse more often the temple? Perhaps one should look into its own temple which lies within the heart? You observe what happens around you, like a mad policeman. You own and are guided by certain rules of behavior. When the ones around you do not act according to them you start to punish yourself and sometimes you act upon the others. This list of yours is what holds you to this dimension. Believing in this code of rules, makes you blind. You do not see that the rules apply to certain worlds only. Attachment to the list is the essence of the sadness. Hence, how can you allow happiness to come to you when you carry within yourself a list of commands? I see that freedom resides in everything but not inside your current heart. Rules, rules, rules. Untold rules. How can the others do what you ask of them if you do not tell them of the rules? Now you see the point? It is not about the others. Your heart carries the rules made for itself not others. I do not see in these rules any words for happiness, freedom or love. The list needs to go.”


Constellation with a manly voice:

“Majestic winged creatures from beyond what you know can fly unlimited skies. Hence the whales can enjoy freely the secrets of the oceans. Man could do both, yet is stuck in his thoughts, worries and fears. It looks like a sandwich. What is above is what as below, yet the middle is unique. Layers upon layers of lies have been filling man’s mind. Of course, he is lost in them. Where is the happiness here? One of the lies tells of this so much needed happiness, found in the resources of this world and once the man has got’em all, he will be the happiest creature of all. The tale still lives.”


Red dragon:

“Many places keep secrets. Information, rules, writings of the masters. “Which, when, where, how?”. These secrets can answer to anything. But why are they secret? They can’t be found. Why are they hidden? Of course, there is a secret answer for that!”


The being feels not in the same place. What is this? The being closes his eyes, and sees all these written messages that are floating around. Thoughts to confuse? Thoughts to show or hide other thoughts? Soup of energies, called, given, necessary or not, bathing the surface of the mind. Being distracted, carried away from the initial state of being. Sadness prevails. Still here.


The being gathers the essence of what has seen and heard. There is no need for all of that. The being tries to feel the meaning of what has been shown. How does that information resonate? Does it help? Is that for more confusion? The being starts touching the ideas. Sees the code of rules within the heart. It rips it off like a bunch of paper that is. The pages disappear at the touch of the floor.


The being now sees a forest growing. Some distant beings dressed in white appear and are passing through it. A calm energy gathers in the heart of the being. Its vision looks somewhere beyond the forest, in the far, at the horizon. A feeling that a new journey is ahead. No questions around this time now. It is like all of them have vanished. The gates of the heavens have opened. With its eyes closed, the being sees a flow of milky smoke, flowing through its heart. A vision of a river, white trees (birch trees) is forming. A feeling of deep calm, a feeling inside the chest of an energy spreading, growing, expanding outside. An inside voice narrating …


-          You were seeking happiness, as it was presented to you in this life by the ones that created it. The rush for gathering these moments is emptying you of your energy in every day. Detached from that you are now. Feel now this realm, the river, the trees, the small patches of clouds on the sky. The peace and tranquil of the mind, of the heart, of the body. Breathe. Take deep breaths. You can smell the air from here. You can feel the feet on the grass. This feeling is similar to true happiness. There are no thoughts, no worries, no rules. It is just breathing and acknowledging where you exist…. Acknowledging that you exist. You are. Some others mentioned that this is an escape from their world and that when they come back to it, all their issues will return. The lesson? There is no lesson, or test about this. It is more about the will of letting everything go and acknowledge the pure existence. The existence itself is actually imprinting upon the world, the energy of the being.

-          Beings exist in multiple dimensions at once. Understanding the existence in one dimension, activates the presence in the others. You have this chance of expanding this knowledge to your others, like you, from the other dimensions. Existence. We are. We exist. We create. We expand. The more you do not identify with the human, the more you see. Human is one aspect, one dimension, one vibratory creation. The bridges between creations exist and there are pathways to each of them. We say “feel the walls” sometimes. We say now “feel yourselves”. Acknowledge you, the being on the chair that is reading this, acknowledge you, the being near the river and the trees, acknowledge you, the flying creature above the skies. Knowing you exist in other forms, will give the glimpse upon the life. And you now get back into the one that reads. Feeling of the others showed the connection between you. And this connection is between everything. For you, this connection is stronger as it carries the same imprint, the one that you know, the one that is you. You are not just the human. You are the bird. You are floating cloud. You are the tree. You are the air that tickles the leaves of the tree. You got it. Observe the current body. Observe the state of being in which you find yourself now. That’s it.






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