this explains the False reality theory. That what we see or hear or
read can be made out of two three or more sources overlapping each
other. Thus some things may not exist physically or at all.. They are
someone else's movie projected onto ours.. I can say now, that peace is
my world.. whilst news are overlapped over mine. Fear news, feared
people, etc.. can be just a projection which did not exist, but it is
manufactured.. a timeline overlapping mine, ours. A fictional component.
Our minds cannot distinguish true from false unfortunately. And our
sensors behave to what the mind says. Thus.. keep out of the mind.
Proceed with faith from the heart.
Finally. There's the opening, there's the exit, there is our path.
need to believe what you are seeing or hearing or reading. It is proved
that you cannot distinguish if it is from this dimension or from
another if it is from your world or others, if is real or fake, if is
real or just a projection (holographic), if is for your good or for
others, etc...
This is how you can get immunity
to the false timelines, false news, false ideas that are being
bombarded upon you, us. Do not believe that which does not resonate with
you anymore. Believe that you have been driven out from your own
destiny and being manipulated into live someone else's plan who;s main
concern is to keep you under his/their dimensions and realities. Life
has been hijacked. What we see, feel, hear, read, is filled with
projections, false ideas that are meant to discourage us, to stay in
fear, to change our vibratory states so that we can be under a certain
dimension, that allows these vibratory false timelines to be experienced
by us. If our vibratory states would raise up, then these false
timelines would not be perceived by us, because they belong to a lower
density, lower world, a projection which has a low frequency. So here is
why believing in GOD, Universe, Nature, Planet something that can help
you stay and grow into vibration is very important in these times. The
faith in Creation will get you out of these false projections, false
timelines, false endings, false news, false people, false situations...
Stay in your heart and dream. Allow the beauty of your inner world to
hijack your mind and body. Feel nourished by the flowers of your soul,
the rivers of your spirit, the clouds of your imagination. Allow them to
expand. Allow to be you all the time. Ignore that which does not belong
into this dream. No need to fight. No need to fear. No need to worry.
These things belong to low vibrations, low dimensions, low minds. You,
on the other hand, would want to allow for the Creation to show you what
is real, what was and what is meant for you to live.
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