Big Bright Light

New insights of what has happened lately look like they would belong to a fantasy novel. But this is now happening, in this life.

There was a day, last month when I’ve received the most useful information with regards to Reiki. It got deep within our beings and it is something that I was missing from the teachings. Big Bright Light. Mikao Usui did not used his hands to heal others. He was standing next to people, radiating from within his Big Bright Light. I made this happen for the first time during a treatment session. It was something unimaginable for me. I had also started meditating more and get to practice the precepts in all that I encounter.

With all of these it seems that our friends outside of this realm had noticed the evolution and here is where the fantasy becomes true.

A shaman is supposed to get in touch with other worlds. I understand that this is now applicable to me. I did have some encounters in the past but now these are very strong experiences and cannot be categorized as products of imagination as some would say. This year it is the beginning of remembering and living one of the gifts that I’ve forgotten about.

The first night it happened I was feeling very sad. I did not know what was happening. I went to bed and during the night I was awakened twice. Second time I was surprised by a being which was standing next to the window, waiting to get my attention. I somehow knew it was nothing to be afraid of as there was another presence next to me which has the best intentions for my being. And then I was getting a form of dialogue through my guides which were translating for me that which this being wanted. It was not from around here but from a very far and different Universe. An entire civilization gathered in meditation so that their representative could appear in an understandable form, here in this realm. It took four of our years for them to do so. It was a Universe matter as they requested from me to reactivate their star Sun.
The most interesting I found related to this realm, was that in order for this being to appear here, the civilization had to temporarily transform its frequency so that it matched ours. Because of this, when the being tried to get my attention, its vibration clouded mine. Hence, I was feeling sadness and did not know the cause of it. A grey and dark fog surrounded me. Once we finished the dialogue the being vanished and also the fog. In an instant I was feeling myself as I knew I should be.

This other day I went home from work because I was feeling sleepy, tired and did not want to do anything else but to sleep. I slept for about 3 hours then I was awakened. I was feeling a bit better but again I felt this type of grey and dark fog surrounding me. It was for a few days around me but now I was able to see and perceive it. I perceived six black beings around me, asking for help. They mentioned that they knew of me and were requesting for healing. They wanted to learn, they wanted me to teach them how to heal themselves. I then entered in Big Bright Light mode. I opened myself, radiated. Then I connected to them and surroundings and told them that they can get what they need from here, from the connection. The light from me went through the six connections, they looked like channels between spheres, and made the beings from black… to Bright Light Spheres. The fog instantly changed into a blue sky, filled with different shades of sky colors.
They went to their home worlds and I was seeing myself in this blueish space, with serenity. I could not believe it that this was the reason that I was feeling like that.

To me, the journey has now become more than I could had imagined. I believe now that for me, when I am feeling different than I should be, I would need to be Big Bright Light and allow healing to occur around me.


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