The Death of Me

Last night seemed
to be one of the toughest of all I’ve had in this life. I was ready to literally give my life in order to
end the vibe and the thoughts that I’ve been experiencing. I actually mentioned
it in a whisper that my life to be taken during the sleep because this madness
that I am living has to end… but if I live after it, then all of these should
stop and never bother me again. I even gave a few scenarios on how that could
happen, snap a vein, or fall something on my head, you know… stuff.
night was cold even though central heating was on plus the mobile heater which
sat on a chair next to me. Still I was cold. Had awoken several times and had
been living the same vibe until morning. I woke up and there they were, the
same thoughts, the same vibe. Nothing changed… but I was alive. I was laying in
bed for almost one hour feeling this sensation and trying to understand it. Why
is it here? Why has this been here with me in these months? What is it trying
to say to me?
I find
nothing of help. Until I arrive at work, I find nothing but sadness and disappointment…
with a touch of worry. When I was going up the stairs to the office, I said to
myself that I won’t be using this energy anymore and I will send it back to the
one who has made it, from whom I took it actually. Suddenly I had strength and
vision. I got free of so much. I observed this when I was finishing the package
for Secret Santa here at the office. I suddenly remember how I truly am. Funny
ideas filled my mind. An old feeling of how I used to be filled this body.
And now
I am sitting at the desk observing from a different realm what has happened. I
am writing this because it seems that this sort of scenario is something that
could happen to you, the reader.
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last months are weird. Nothing makes sense to the mind. Can’t figure out why
certain things happen. Rude and dishonest people seem to be everywhere. I want something
and it does not happen. I am a good person but bad things happen to me often. Some
I can ignore but some are just nightmares.
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I had
died last night actually. Awaken was I in a very curious way. After that I was
lying in bed for about one hour trying to do the same thing as before sleep. Yet
it was not the same thing and now I know what is actually happened. I died and was
resurrected. I’ve found myself in the old energies that were inside and outside
of the bodies. I died as there were no options left for the former thought form
of “me” to get along with the situation. It got stuck in such way that it could
not get pass that.
was I in his energies. He was truly like a fly caught in a spider’s web. The web
represents his thoughts, fears, worries, dreams, wishes, the things that happen
and the things that do not. Caught was he between all of them, a world of chaos
he made around him and inside of him. No wonder his mind was about to crack,
his heart was about to explode, sorrow and grief upon him, depression at its
finest. It was like all that he did not want in life to happen, was actually
happening in one moment. A situation that comprises of all of these.
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was a smaller episode a few days ago and at that time he made a light cannon
and shot through his body with a beam of light that cleared his minds. But in
the next two days the situation came back, harder and stronger. He could not
handle it, hence the reason he asked for his life to be terminated.
which is obvious is that if you are in a certain situation from which you want
to get out… you need to separate your mind of that situation. Just leave the
situation as it is and detach from it. If you are trying to solve the issue
whilst being bathed in the low vibes of it, there won’t be any success. You
must be detached; you must be in a vibration state that is different. Once you
find yourself in a different frequency, then you can observe the situation and
only then you can find solutions to it.
In the
situation we were dealing with, we did get detached and found a solution to it…
but something else was actually that was shown in the second wave which was very
by the intention to have a better life, this situation showed to us that if you
do not say something in your defense, the other’s choice will command the next
steps of your life. But now there is something subtle that can be observed. This
other’s energy, frequency and fears were passed on. You were no longer within your vibration.. but
in his. That which you called situation was actually someone else’s energy
of which you agreed to take upon you to deal with. Breathe now deeply a few
times and meditate upon this now.
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You are
happy and joyful once you’ve found your energy. You are living within your
energetic fields which resonate with the bodies and minds that you are living with.
When you agree to get away from your energy, that’s when you feel disoriented,
in pain, fearful, disappointed, disgusted, hateful… because these are other’s energies,
humans, animals, plants, places. You either agree to help someone and by that
you had taken voluntarily his situation upon you to solve, either you lowered
yourself to someone’s lower vibration in order to feel integrated in a certain
circle, either you were dragged out (forced) from your state of being by
someone to whom you’ve given authority to do it, either you were tricked to
change your vibration state by systematic shots of low vibrations. These are
just a few. So now oversee your state of beingness and see what is happening
from this point view.
Our situation
has to do with the last two. Giving authority to someone and systematic shots. Authority
was given when we let down our guard, got into the “innocent” state, where we
found ourselves consciously vulnerable meaning that you do not know anything
and you let the other decide for you what needs to be done. Systematic shots
were given by that person, the decisions that were not resonating with truth were
given in a few waves. The choices had been out of truth, misleading, the shots
had been imprinted with low vibration. This combination, because of vulnerability
in “innocent” state, had a great effect of getting us out of balance. Life
seemed to fall, seem to change from wonderful to a soon to be nightmare. It had
gotten to the cores of the bodies and minds. No protection was in place thus
they hit hard. One might say that it was a beneficial thing. Our opinion is
that it is not and we believe that this could end in self-sacrifice which can
end one’s life prematurely. Ours was taken. It is the most dangerous of all the combinations.
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In that
situation there was much involved. As it was mentioned, all unwanted states occurred
as one wave. Chakras seemed to be closed, no connection to the divine energies,
thoughts were everywhere, chaotic scenarios were in a queue waiting to be
unfolded, restlessness, worries. Even now echoes can be felt. Such finesse. Right
now, I am bathing these bodies with vibrations that are bringing balance and
enlightenment to the mind yet these echoes still can be felt. I said this
morning “How can I help others if I can’t help myself? How can I guide others
if I can’t find the right way?” It took two hours to feel different after a
complex evening and a cold night. Death was the only option and it was given. For
that I am thankful, for which I found in this morning is the meaning that my
journey here continues and thus our presence is still needed in this realm.
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forgotten what was to be truth, how it is to be within our energies. We’ve been
falsely guided by others, by their frequencies and choices, that we could forgot
and could not remember that we exist. The realm has this wonderful magic to
make you forget and makes you to immerse in it so deeply that only death can
get you out of it. We admire such knowledge.
mixture of colours, a vast variety of frequencies, all gathered in one place.
You enter with your own, adding them up to the collection. It is like a form of
identification for others to recognize. Once immersed in the magic rainbow you
spark on a path that gets lost and far away from the entrance. During your
travels, your colour is covered by others, your sparking light diminishes, path
is broken, lost you are, unbalanced you become. The rainbow is not magic
anymore to you. It has become a chaotic bunch of dark vibrant colours that seem
to get to you in a disharmonious way. Why… this is what it seems to be for the
newly formed. But this is what he perceives and it is not the truth of what it
is. Magic is illusion and vanishes like a cloud in the sky. That is what you
are not seeing. Life as a cloud that will vanish at one point. When that happens,
you will see you as truth and free of the magic. The magic rainbow is just a
place where you can learn and gather valuable and unique essences. Nothing
You are
indeed just like the sun above the clouds but remember that from time to time
it must rain. When rain has stopped, the clouds will vanish and the sun will be
there to shine as bright as ever. Happiness
and joy are with you all the time. As the sun spreads its joy and happiness, so
are you when you live with them. You radiate them and thus you make your life
beautiful. Remember that even the coldest stones get warm when the sun radiates
upon them.
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